Construction and Rehabilitation


  • Carla Cunha
  • Lógica2

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    About the project

    With a seascape as horizon, the flat located in Lagos, Algarve, counted with the intervention of Logica2 for the structural reinforcement of the building, design and execution of the architectural project, aiming the adaptation of the old building matrix to new and more functional uses, having been necessary a diverse organization and arrangement of the previously existing spaces. The remodelling and renovation carried out by L2 included the execution of all specialities: plumbing, acoustic, thermal, ventilation, air conditioning, electricity and telecommunications infrastructures.

    Com um espaço oceânico no horizonte, o apartamento localizado em Lagos beneficiou da intervenção da Lógica2 no reforço estrutural do edifício, conceção e execução do projeto de arquitetura que visa adaptar a antiga matriz do edifício a novos e mais práticos usos, exigindo a reorganização e reatribuição de espaços anteriormente existentes. Os serviços prestados pela Lógica2 incluíram a execução de trabalhos estruturais, ar condicionado, canalização, pintura, vidros, aplicação de paredes secas, eletricidade, revestimentos de pavimentos e carpintaria.

    Our Client’s Challenge

    In October 2020, the TransGas Prud’homme Gas Storage Caverns in Saskatchewan were left ablaze after a significant explosion which occurred at the principal wellhead. Gas production from this facility is crucial during the winter when natural gas demands are the highest. It was therefore critical that the facility was repaired in time before the cold set in.

    Our Approach

    In order to meet the required schedule, TransGas delegated procurement and construction management services to WSP. WSP’s procurement procedures allowed for the selection of contractors and material suppliers in an efficient manner while still ensuring traceability for insurance auditors.
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    The $4 million project was successfully completed in two separate phases with both phases coming in on schedule and the overall costs coming in under budget. Emergency repairs to the facility were completed on December 11th, 2014 which allowed for the facility to operate through the critical winter months. Permanent electrical repairs along with less critical site deficiencies were completed in April and May of 2016 when a longer facility shut-down could be tolerated. In order to meet the required schedule, TransGas delegated procurement and construction management services to WSP. WSP’s procurement procedures allowed for the selection of contractors and material suppliers in an efficient manner while still ensuring traceability for insurance auditors.