Casa Pinheiro Manso

Construction and Rehabilitation


  • Pilar Baylina e Pedro Alves
  • Lógica2
  • Arq.ª Joana Leandro Vasconcelos
  • Eng.º Bruno Miranda
  • Niluft Engenharia, Lda
  • JV Engenharia Unip, Lda
  • Ricardo Silva Engenharia


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    Honourable Mention Nuno Teotónio Pereira Award (former IHRU Award)

    The rehabilitation of the Casa do Pinheiro Manso, a typical house of the bourgeois Porto of the 19th century, earned Logica2 an Honourable Mention. The intervention privileged the maintenance of the building's features while respecting its architectural and heritage value.

    The rehabilitation, particularly on the ground floor, which was in very poor condition, was based on the creation of large, bright and contemporary spaces achieved through full height panels and doors and the construction of an iron and glass door, allowing light to enter.

    A reabilitação realizada foi integral, incluindo a substituição de todas as telhas e melhoramentos dos isolamentos. Os elementos estruturais degradados foram substituídos por iguais da época. Procurou-se imprimir um caracter mais modernos.   

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